Creator Bios

Why support Lupercalia Books?

You will be helping us live together again–Phrixion lives in the US, while Heather lives in Canada, and while we did live in Toronto together for a while, health issues have kept us apart. We are determined to end this separation once and for all!

The more support we receive for our stories and other projects, the easier it will be to get together again. And togetherness will make us happier creatures with more ability to provide our stories to you!


Heather Hallow

She/HerĀ  They/Them
Heather Hallow is a writer and artist from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She currently lives with her feline furbabies. She loves to write M/M paranormal romance and urban fantasy with a social conscience. And lots of sex.
Heather is an eclectic Wiccan who loves to create handmade journals and other magical things. She is a fan of leopard print, horror books and movies, dark fantasy and grimdark, handmade and altered dolls, the goddess Bast, and the horned god Cernunnos in many forms.

You may find her work under her given name at these pages. Heather maintains “Heather Hallow” as a pen name to separate her family-friendly creations from that which is… not.

You can find her Etsy shop here:
And her furry-specific art can be found here:
Deviant Art:



Phrixion is a writer and artist from Des Moines, Iowa, USA. She currently lives with her kitty, Cami. She is currently feeling anti-social.