So begins our publishing journey

It’s been a very long time coming, and my journey has been complicated by mental health, loss of loved ones including two of my cats, which devasted me, and a stroke last September. I don’t deal well with stress, you might say.
In any case, after much wrangling, rewriting, and revision, our first trilogy is nearing publication. While I prepare the final edits, covers, and whatnot (insert marketing jargon here), we (myself as Heather Hallow and my wife as Phrixion) are releasing our chapters weekly to subscribers, with the opportunity to get first dibs on e-books, new artwork, and merch of all kinds. I, for one, am SO excited!

For more, please consider subscribing to get weekly chapter updates on Fridays, plus artwork, community fun, Lupercalia side projects, merch, polls, and all the good stuff we create! You can find us as Lupercalia Books on social media.

Join us at ReamStories, if you value a superior reader and commenting experience above all else. The goodies will come later as the platform develops. ReamStories publishes 1 chapter ahead of Patreon:

Join us at Patreon if you want to see all the goodies right away as we create them:

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~Heather Hallow