So begins our publishing journey

It’s been a very long time coming, and my journey has been complicated by mental health, loss of loved ones including two of my cats, which devasted me, and a stroke last September. I don’t deal well with stress, you might say.
In any case, after much wrangling, rewriting, and revision, our first trilogy is nearing publication. While I prepare the final edits, covers, and whatnot (insert marketing jargon here), we (myself as Heather Hallow and my wife as Phrixion) are releasing our chapters weekly to subscribers, with the opportunity to get first dibs on e-books, new artwork, and merch of all kinds. I, for one, am SO excited!

For more, please consider subscribing to get weekly chapter updates on Fridays, plus artwork, community fun, Lupercalia side projects, merch, polls, and all the good stuff we create! You can find us as Lupercalia Books on social media.

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~Heather Hallow

NaNoWriMo Brings Sanctuary Book 3

Tash’s saga continues! I managed to win NaNo again this year, even though I started with the barest of concepts for Sanctuary book 3. Following my nose, I made my way through the basics of the plot, following my headlights through the dark. Ideas just kept popping up, and things came together the way I believe it’s supposed to.

This was honestly a really hard book to write, because some truly horrible things happen to characters we’ve loved for years (Phrixy and I, that is). I don’t know if I could talk about it without crying, in person. Pray it never comes up if I end up on a panel at a con! LOL

Anyhow, the story needs a lot of work to polish it up for my beta reader/s, but I’m really happy with the bones of it. 🙂

Nifty Writer’s Gizmo & Writing Update with Dolls

So I tried out this fun writing analyzer and…

Okay, so I don’t think I believe it, but I’ve read pretty much everything he’s written, so being influenced is entirely possible. 🙂 I’ll take it.

If any of my writer friends want to try it out, go here:

In other news, I’ve finished revising Sacrifice and am nearly done the second book in that series. I’ll take another run through the short story that comes between, called Love Chase. I need to finish these by the end of February to meet my goal.

My reward is to work on my ball joint dolls, which I’m dressing/styling to match some of the characters in our books. I’ll do a proper photo shoot once everyone’s looking more like themselves. So far I have one for Jaymi, Yuri, Angel as a kid (maybe around 12?) and Tash from Sacrifice. I’ve also got one that arrived damaged, which I’m going to try to dye and make into Calixte. I’m really excited about these!

Here’s a sneak peek at Yuri in his new suit. He would never go out looking so rumpled, but maybe it was a rough night teaching at the university. lol I am apparently not so great at tying a tie on someone else. In any case, he has a whole nice suit, but I want to alter the jacket because it’s too long for what he’d wear, almost an overcoat. I really like this doll though. He needs lots of tattoos, but I’m waiting for Phrixy to map them out again. He also needs a haircut.

Yuri is 70 cm tall, so he’s a big boy! His sculpt is quite lean, so it works well for a vampire such as him, who had a hard life as a human.

Yuri doesn’t appear in the Sacrifice books so far, but he does feature in the main series around TCR, since he’s Cali’s little lust-bunny vampire. I know, I know. I’m working on it next, since those books come before the Sacrifice books. They’re all related, at least. 🙂