Want an Inside Look and More?

Watch over our shoulders as we write the chapters for upcoming books! For lovers of PNR and Urban Fantasy with a strong LGBTQ+ bent (especially lots of m/m!), you’ll want to follow what we’ve been up to, and what we dream of for the future!

Sydney Synn, TCR performer

The first trilogy of the Lupercalia: TCR series will be released this year, and you can watch it all happen and comment as we go! Yes, YOU. Soon we will be opening up our subscription tiers where you can see it all first, get art, the juiciest snippets we couldn’t include in the published books, and chat about it with other Lupercalia fans, or even with the characters themselves. Because some things are just too private to share with the whole world. And you can be in on it with us, the way the story was intended to be in our steamy writer brains.

We’ve got book one ready for you to check out, book 2 is nearing the end of revisions, and book 3 has begun the first draft, so we aren’t messing around! Also, you can see all the doodles, finished art, playlists, and whatever else our hearts breathe into reality just for you. Because The Cock Ring never sleeps, and neither do we! (Or maybe it just feels that way because we’re busy dreaming up new shenanigans all the time, who know.) What will the guys get up to next, and who’s going to show up at the door to play? Grab a drink from the bar, get your tips ready, and be prepared to be wowed by the hottest men who love the hottest men.

And if you like cat people, so do we, and they are the most glamourous of the intimate friends you’ll find in Lupercalia and The Cock Ring.

Sign up for our updates in the newletter form on the right, and we’ll let you know when all the goodies become available!

Almost There!

The first book in the main Lupercalia series is almost done! I’m at 67k words, and one chapter left!

Between editing for clients and working to get this book done, I haven’t really thought to update things here. But I am working on it, I promise. Among the things to do are adding the newsletter sign up, and organizing what materials I can show to readers (character art, maps, etc), as well as world building materials for myself and my writing partner.

In any case, I just need to do that final chapter, then skim through again for anything I’ve missed before I send it to my beta reader. I write in a circular style*, so the bulk of the story has already been through a couple drafts, so it won’t be too much longer now. I just need to make sure the fall out from certain events is handled properly. While my beta reader looks it over, I’ll work on the basic outline for book 2.

Next on the docket: What the hell do I name this thing? I look through the top 100 songs of the year where this takes place didn’t really help. I’ll have to think on it a bit more.

*Circular writing goes by a couple names. Basically, you just keep writing until you can’t progress any more, then you circle back to revise what you already have and then keep going again until you get stuck. It works for me.

Longest Night Thoughts

So, recently I was asked yet again about what I’ve been working on in my writing, and naturally I mentioned NaNoWriMo and how I’d managed the bones of my 3rd Sanctuary book. And then I of course had to explain that that it’s not actually the main series, and that I can’t publish it until the main series starts getting out there. SPOILERS, darling. It takes place after the first several books in the main series, and I don’t want to ruin some of the fun. So. Yeah.

Happy Longest Night

I DO have a bunch of the first main book done. Or at least written down. This all began as a role play between myself and my partner, Phrixy (who writes and arts as Phrixion online). So we do have some of the logs to go from, buuuuut… that’s actually really hard to convert into a novel format. No really, maybe worse than having the bare plot bones.


Because the point of views are all over the place, for one. Horribly tangled and awful. The info dumps are hardcore. The explaining goes WAY overboard. You know, as it does for role plays, especially when others are hanging around and aren’t as familiar with your characters.

So when I started putting this all into a novel, I hadn’t begun editing others’ work. Now that I’ve been doing editing for almost a year, looking at that first attempt makes me wither at how much work I have to cut and rearrange and smooth out into a more professional story. But even though that’s hard, and kinda sad, it’s also something I’m grateful to know more about now so that I can actually do this.

My goal for the next few weeks is to get “L1” into shape so that I can continue writing, and get it ready for my reader so that I can eventually start with publishing this main series. Because it’s the point of it all, and I want to see this dream rev up and take off! I have so many ideas not only for the stories, but also for fun side projects that readers will love. But until there’s something to read, there won’t be any readers. Funny that.